Nov. 17-19, 2020 | VIRTUAL


Conference 2020

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About our Virtual Event
Join us in the Matrix for an experience that brings all elements of a live event into the comfort and safety of your kitchen table. Because let’s face it, none of us actually has an ‘office space’. Our event will provide opportunities for you to engage directly with other attendees, connect and schedule meetings with sponsors/exhibitors, and have access to a smorgasbord of information and content. All of this, without the requirement of pants; that’s a sweet deal if you ask us.
Sneak Peek of Speakers...
Professor of Archaeology, Dr. H.W. Jones, discusses the correlation of every day talents assisting him in his field. How ballet can help when balancing across narrow stone or wooden bridges. Determining weight and balance of similar objects. And when you’re thankful for cardio.